FreeBSD Presence at NYCBSDCon

Steven Kreuzer skreuzer at
Thu Mar 20 17:56:41 UTC 2008


I am writing on behalf of the admin team that is currently organizing
NYCBSDCon 2008. We currently have Columbia University booked for October
11th and 12th of this year and among everything else going on, I would
like to get the ball rolling on FreeBSD's presence.

In 2006, Alfred Perlstein and I had received donations from FreeBSD Mall
and everything we sold at the conference was donated to The FreeBSD
Foundation. (Over $600 dollars)

Check out the table we had setup:

In 2006, we waited until the last minute to put that together the table
and to avoid the rush, I thought I would start reaching out to people to
see if they are interested in assisting.

I am currently looking for people who are planning on attending the
conference and would be interested in manning the table to sell FreeBSD
related products. In addition, I am looking for people who would be able
to reach out to FreeBSD vendors who may be willing to donate, or provide
us discounts on products that could be sold to raise money for the FreeBSD

Also, if you have any other ideas on thing we can have in terms of demos
and whatnot, please let me know. In 2006, the NetBSD team had a few pieces
of exotic hardware running NetBSD. It was pretty cool to watch a dreamcast
pxeboot of an ultra 2.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Steven Kreuzer

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