Logo idea and FreeBSD.com concept

W. D. WD at US-Webmasters.com
Wed Mar 2 19:15:32 GMT 2005

At 10:45 3/2/2005, Matt Olander wrote:
>On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 10:54:49AM -0600, W. D. wrote:
>> >research of their website interface.
>> This is just silly.  They make sites with a static width because
>> they just don't care.  
>> Any respectable Web site design authority will strongly
>> recommend page width that adjusts to the browser window.
>actually, I can find professionals that recommend it both ways.

Yes, but I said 'respectable'.  ;^)

>> Think about it: what is more accommodating to your visitors who
>> have different browser configurations--static or variable?
>it depends I think. I mean, why is the page resizing?  What was wrong
>with it's original size that it needs to resize?

Well, one of the basic principles of HTML is universality.  If
a page is designed for a fixed width, then one must use scroll
bars to navigate horizontally.  The argument that most
browsers are 800 pixel wide is ridiculous.  More and more
devices are becoming Internet capable (like those running
embedded BSD)--and their width can easily be 400 pixels or 
smaller.  Proper HTML design takes this into consideration.

>> Human factors (user friendly interfaces), are mostly ignored
>> on the vast majority of Web sites.  Show me any evidence 
>> whatsoever that these companies mentioned above have spent a 
>> penny on the human factors of their website interfaces!
>I'm sure if you do your own digging, you'll find that major corporations
>spend quite a bit on their websites.

Spending money is not the same as being effective.  Just look
at the government.


Looks good.  They are one of the few who have actually put
some effort into human factors.  I think if you checked out the websites
of the S&P 500, you would find that less than 5% of those
have similarly taken a serious interest in user friendliness.

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