The only worthwhile logo-related comments so far....

Anthony Atkielski atkielski.anthony at
Sun Feb 13 08:45:07 PST 2005

Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg writes:

> Linux is controlled by Linus Torvalds, who clearly is outnumbered
> by core by an order of magnitute. I fail to see why core 
> directing the project makes it impossible to gain support from 
> IBM or any other giant.

It's not that it makes it impossible to get support, it's just that the
support isn't there right now, which may worry potential users.

And since Linux is controlled by Linus, that provides a target to aim
for if something goes wrong.  Large customers experiencing problems with
Linux could potentially make life very unpleasant for Linus, which in
turn is an incentive for him to remain disciplined and careful, which in
turn reassures large customers.

Essentially large customers want accountability and responsibility. They
want people who will respond if something goes wrong, and they want
people who are at risk if something goes wrong, because that risk
motivates them to act to fix any problems that arise. These elements are
lacking with FreeBSD, because nobody in particular seems to be obligated
to respond if something goes wrong, and nobody in particular seems to be
at any specific risk if he or she fails to fix a problem. This means
that large customers must take a lot of risk themselves without any
compensating risk on the part of the organization supplying the


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