Instead of, why not...

Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg listsub at
Sat Feb 12 16:12:48 PST 2005

Chris Zumbrunn wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2005, at 10:12 PM, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg wrote:
>> Look at linux, everyone knows the linux penguin, but that doesnt stop 
>> RedHat, Caldera, Debian etc from having professional looking logos.
> They are all separate entities from Linux. They are independent 
> companies that offer distributions. They are not Linux - so they can not 
> claim the Linux logo for themselves. On the other hand, FreeBSD is 
> FreeBSD and should use the FreeBSD logo: Beastie.

In that case, I must argue that the use of the daemon predates FreeBSD 
by far, and can be seen as a logo for the BSD family as a whole, not 
to say UNIX as a whole. FreeBSD is not BSD nor UNIX - so it can not 
claim the Beastie logo for itselves. However, I do not object to 
somehow incorporate Beastie in the logo to show our heritage.

> If Beastie is more representative of the project and its product than 
> its name, why should we reduce Beastie to a stuffed animal if we can 
> have Beastie as our logo. If we could rename the entire project to 
> "Beastie", we probably should ;-)

I would not use the word "representative" as I think that is one of 
the problems with the current logo. It is widely *associated* with 
BSD, but I would not say that its very *representative* for BSD.
A cutting edge operating system like freebsd should have a logo that 
shows this, not something that makes it look like a toy for teenage 


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