FreeBSD Revamped Look 'n' feel: Feedback appreciated!

Michael W. Oliver michael at
Sun Sep 14 20:33:52 PDT 2003

+--- On Sunday, September 14, 2003 21:15 ---
| Nigel Weeks proclaimed:
| I'm very tired of convincing people that FreeBSD is a professional,
| enterprise-grade OS, when they go to the site, and say it
| looks like a college project.

Call me naive, but isn't this 'judging a book (or an OS) by it's cover'?

| If only a site existed that (I hate to say it, it seems so shallow),
| looked more like, and less like a quick hack-together.
| I know the FreeBSD site is great! It's quick, it's links are set out
| nicely, but it isn't attractive to the big-end of town.
| This is a very big failing. It needs to be addressed.

I think that the maintainers of the site would be making a 
mistake in changing the layout of their site.  It is highly functional and 
organized, which may not mean much to management droids, but means a great 
deal to those of us who actually use the OS on a daily basis.

Perhaps your site can fill the void for those who aren't attracted to the 
stock FreeBSD site.

| I'm just trying to help by coming up with ideas, instead of shooting down
| others,and complaining all the time.
| The sooner FreeBSD takes on a professional image, the sooner it'll get
| accepted and treated as a professional solution.
| Yes, it's wrong, but it's how life is.

What is truly wrong are people who redefine their own world to match what 
they think others want to see, rather than doing what they themselves 
believe to be right.

Like it or not, the world is what we (you, me, everyone) make it, not what 
others tell us it is.

perl -e 'print unpack("u","88V]N=&%C=\"!I;F9O(&EN(&AE861E<G,*");'

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