Lock up when going to 'economy mode' (battery)

Nate Lawson nate at root.org
Thu Apr 27 19:16:09 UTC 2006

Eric Anderson wrote:
>  From single user, this works as expected - unplugging the power adapter 
> makes the laptop go into low power mode, and everything continues to work.
> However, when in multi-user mode, it locks the machine up, and all I see 
> is the ACPI messages on the console telling me it went in/out of 
> economy/performance modes.  I can only hard boot the laptop to get it 
> back working.  This is a new Dell Latitude D820 (Core Duo).
> powerd_enable="YES"
> powerd_flags="-a max -b adaptive -p 100  -r 65 -i 90"

Try disabling powerd.  Then from the command line in single user mode, 
poke around with dev.cpu.0.freq=XXX.  You could disable p4tcc and 
acpi_throttle to see if that helps (hint.p4tcc.0.disabled="1").

> performance_cx_lowest="C1"
> economy_cx_lowest="C1"

I see you've disabled the potential Cx interaction.  I'll look into that 
issue soon now that I have a system that exhibits this bug.


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