Future of CTM

Montgomery-Smith, Stephen stephen at missouri.edu
Wed Sep 2 03:58:21 UTC 2015

It seems to me that very few people use CTM.  The simple changes Peter
Wemm asks for probably aren't that hard to implement (e.g. use sha256
instead of md5), but anything beyond that requires a lot of man-hours on
someone's part.  And it seems to me that in total less man-hours would
be used if current CTM users were forced to find an alternative method
to get their updates.

I really don't mind continuing to run CTM.  But if the FreeBSD project
doesn't want to host it on their servers any more, I find it hard to
argue with them.  Someone else should provide a server to keep the
deltas.  And someone else needs to provide a mailman server.  And people
do need to beware of the inherent security risks - or people could
submit patches to the code to solve the problems Peter Wemm brings up.

The response I got to announcing that CTM might end was extremely
underwhelming.  People who want it either need to step up to the plate,
or they need to accept its demise.


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