How to use ctm_rmail...

Peter Jeremy peter.jeremy at
Mon Oct 20 19:00:50 PDT 2003

On 2003-Oct-21 01:19:33 +0900, "Rommel B. IKEDA" <r_ikeda at> wrote:
>Can anyone give me a hint on how to use "ctm_rmail" to update ports-cur 

- Install pgp
- Create directories $HOME/pieces and $HOME/deltas
- Fetch the CTM pgp key and add it to your keyring

For each mail message, pipe it to:
/usr/local/bin/pgpv -f | \
    /usr/sbin/ctm_rmail -f -v -p $HOME/pieces -d $HOME/deltas

To actually apply the deltas:
ctm_rmail -uv -b /usr/ports -d $HOME/deltas

I have an alias for my ctm mail and sendmail automatically invokes a
script that includes the pgpk|ctm_rmail pipeline.

Peter Jeremy

PS: Your clock seems to be 9 hours slow.

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