
Thomas Lawenius thomas.lawenius at esavionics.se
Tue Dec 14 09:56:49 PST 1999

I have wrote a small program for reading and writing direct to a disk
through the generic device. It's working fine if I use an Adaptec 2940UW
pro card but when I change it to an Adaptec 2940U2W it will hang the
maskin. I got the following messages on the console

scsi: aborting command due to timeout : pid 19703, scsi0, channel0, id2,
lun0 Write (10) 00 00 83 f6 b0 00 00 02 00

this messages will be repeated. After a time I got this

SCSI host0 abort (pid 19703) timed out_resetting
SCSI bus us being reset for host0 channel0

Can you explain this for me ?
The card work fine as long as I don't use my own program. I have done
nothing more then change the card.

//Thomas L

Ericsson Saab Avionics AB LM/ESB/D/KL
Display and Reconnaissance Systems Division, Software Systems

tel: 013 - 28 46 28
E-mail: thomas.lawenius at esavionics.se

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