AIC7XXX for SMP kernel

Doug Ledford dledford at
Mon Dec 13 15:52:14 PST 1999

"Robert L. Brown Jr." wrote:
> Can anybody tell me what version of Linux has an aic7xxx driver
> that will work in an SMP compiled kernel?
> I compiled 2.2.13, 2.2.5-12, 2.2.12-20 and both have bad aic7xxx drivers
> for SMP compiled kernels. I keep getting reset and timout loops on my
> 2940UW Adaptec card everytime during boot.
> Has anyone with an SMP board and an Adaptec 2940 successfully compiled a
> Linux kernel and the aic7xxx driver that work?

No, of course not!  The aic7xxx driver and SMP kernels never have and never
will work!!

(sometimes I honestly wonder just how many SMP systems there are out there
running the aic7xxx driver right now....)

Ho, hum....use the option noapic when booting the kernel and see if that
doesn't solve your problem....and you might want to try searching email
archives next time before emailing everyone under the sun...

  Doug Ledford   <dledford at>
   Opinions expressed are my own, but
      they should be everybody's.

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