2742T does not boot

Peter Koch Koch at math.uni-duisburg.de
Sat Apr 3 04:38:12 PST 1999

Dear Aic7xxx-experts:

Booting my 2742T-system with 2.0.35, 2.0.36 or 2.0.36+5.1.13
does not work. This system works under DOS and it has worded once
under linux.

Booting latest version with 2.0.36 and boot parameter panic_on_abort,verbose

(scsi0) <Adaptec AHA-274X SCSI host adapter> found at EISA slot 6
(scsi0) Twin Channel, A SCSI ID 7, B SCSI ID 7, 4/255 SCBs
(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 423 instructions downloaded
(scsi0) BRKADRINT error(0x1);
  Illegal Host Access
(scsi0)   SEQADDR=0xc
aic7xxx driver version 5.1.13/2.0.36
Controller type:
    Adaptec AHA-274X SCSI host adapter
p->flags=0x10404c05, p->chip=0x201, p->features=0x8, sequencer is paused
Adaptec AHA-274X SCSI host adapter at EISA slot 6.
PCI Dump:
Card Dump:
00:00 01:00 02:3c 03:00 04:00 05:07 08:00 09:00 0a:00 0b:05 0c:00 0d:00 0e:00
0f:00 10:00 11:a4 18:00 19:00 1f:00 60:10 62:0c 63:00 64:00 65:00 66:00 80:04
81:90 82:77 83:71 84:01 85:f0 86:c0 87:0e 88:00 89:00 8a:00 8b:00 8c:00 8d:00
8e:00 90:00 91:08 92:01 93:00 94:29 95:00 97:00 9b:00 9c:00 9d:00 9e:00 9f:00
Scratch RAM:
20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 25:00 26:00 27:00 28:00 29:00 2a:00 2b:00 2c:00
2d:00 2e:00 2f:00 30:00 31:00 32:ff 33:ff 34:08 35:92 36:00 37:00 38:00 39:39
3a:c0 3b:02 3c:00 3d:01 3e:ff 3f:ff 40:00 41:20 42:c0 43:00 44:00 45:0c 46:63
47:09 48:00 49:00 4a:00 4b:00 4c:00 4d:00 4e:00 4f:00 50:00 51:00 52:00 53:08
54:00 55:00 56:24 57:09 58:00 59:00 5a:e7 5b:e7 5c:0b 5d:fc 5e:ff 5f:c3
Current SCB: (SCBPTR/TAG/CONTROL) 0/255/0x0
FREE_SCBS: (SCBPTR/TAG/CONTROL) 0->0/255/0x0 1/255/0x0 2/255/0x0 3/255/0x0
     0      00  ff   ff   01
     1      00  ff   00   02
     2      00  ff   01   03
     3      00  ff   02   ff

What am I doing wrong?



Peter Koch <Koch at Math.Uni-Duisburg.DE>      phone: 49 203 379-2698
Department of Mathematics                     fax: 49 203 379-3139
University of Duisburg, Lotharstrasse 65, 47048 Duisburg - Germany

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