More timeout problems :(

Daniel M. Eischen deischen at
Sun Sep 14 21:41:59 PDT 1997

> The Lightning has my /usr/home partition and nothing else, and the only
> thing off that partition I was running was the making of kde, which I've
> done before. *shrug*.  As I said, this is the first time that the ahc
> driver has given me trouble, and _both_ drives were timing out, the cd
> with an inactive audio cd in it wasn't doing anything.

All it takes is one device to wedge the bus, and all the other commands
are going to time out also.

> > > I know the cd is terminated, and am fairly sure about the Lightning as
> > > when I added it, I had a lot of cable trouble, and I've run make world at 
> > > least 5 times.  If all else fails I guess I'll be stuck with my venerable
> > > aha-1542.
> > You can always disable tagged queueing for the ahc driver if you
> > continue to have problems.
> How much of a performance penalty will that be?

There will be some performance penalty, but I'd hope that it would
still be faster than your 1542.

As Justin pointed out in his previous email, his new CAM compliant
SCSI layer will address these queue full problems and should allow
for much better tagged queueing support :-)

Dan Eischen
deischen at

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