Basic SCSI jump question.

Timothy Phan tphan at
Wed Sep 10 06:53:30 PDT 1997


  I hope someone can help me understand some of the setting for the
  SCSI devices and 'when' to set 'what'.  I found some of these term
  in the SCSI guide and I do not quite understand what they mean.

    1. What is Termination Power source:
       a) Driver supplies bus
       b) Driver supplies own
       c) Bus supplies to drive

    2. What is enable T-res?
    3. What is motor start?
    4. what is start delay?
    5. Spin synchronization?

  BTW,  how can I go about having SEAGATE 4G drive repair or
  restore/copy the data on the disk.  My SEAGATE drive just does not
  come up any more.

         --------------------  Timothy C. Phan (tphan at
      --------------------                      NEC America, Inc. ASL
   --------------------         1525 Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX 75038
--------------------          tel: (214)-518-3437 fax: (214)-518-3499

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