Re: iwlwifi: i7260 does not load firmware properly/wifi not working

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 17:11:51 UTC
On Mon, 21 Mar 2022, FreeBSD User wrote:

Dear "FreeBSD User",

> Subject is a notebook Lenovo E540 equipted with an Intel i7260 WiFi adaptor,
> iwm0@pci0:5:0:0:        class=0x028000 rev=0x73 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x08b2
> subvendor=0x8086 subdevice=0x4262 vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
>    device     = 'Wireless 7260'
> Running FreeBSD 13.1-STABLE (FreeBSD 13.1-STABLE #86 stable/13-n250051-ddb842e2ad6: Sun
> Mar 20 20:49:26 CET 2022 amd64), using if_iwm is a horrible mess and almost unusable
> (configured both re0 and wlan0 as "lagg0").

"horrible mess" doesn't describe an actual problem.
"almost unusable" doesn't say "why?"

> I tried - several time since iwlwifi is available for FreeBSD 13, iwlwifi, but without
> any success.

Likely iwlwiifi will not be any better as is iwm(4) at this point;
porbbaly for different reasons.

> I have to load if_iwlwifi.ko via /boo/loader.conf[.local], since outoloading iwlwifi does
> not work by defining

What does `man iwlwifi` say on your system on how to load iwlwifi

As a note, as the above will change in the next days for stable/13:

given you have a card also supported by iwm(4), you probably want to
have a look at devmatch_blocklist=".." in rc.conf[.local] to avoid
loading that.

In HEAD iwlwifi(4) will auto-load, but iwm(4) will stay preferred over iwlwifi(4)
if your device is supported by iwm(4) and that change will come to stable/13
as well.


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7