Re: mount -t smbfs $B$N5sF0(B

From: ISHII <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:34:06 UTC

On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:13:21 +0900 : $BFbF#M40lO:(B
<> wrote:

> ja_JP.UTF-8 $B$KE}0l$9$l$PNI$$$H;W$$$^$9!#(B

$B$3$l$G!"(B/etc/fstab $B$K5-:\$7$?5-=R$,@5$7$/F/$$$F$$$kM}M3$b$o$+$j$^$7$?!#(B

$B$H$3$m$G!"@DLZ(B $BCNL@$5$s$N!"(B

On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:46:56 +0900 : Tomoaki AOKI
<> wrote:

> $B8E$$5-21$G$9$,!"(Bmount_smbfs$B$G(B-E$B%*%W%7%g%s$G(Bcharset$BJQ49$N(B
> $B;XDj$r$7$F$b>e<j$/$$$+$:!"(B/root/.nsmbrc$B$G;XDj$7$?$i5!G=$7$?(B
> $B$?$a!"0J9_!"$:$C$H$=$N$h$&$K1?MQ$7$F$$$^$9!#(B

 /etc/nsmb.conf $B$N$3$H$J$s$G$9$,!"(Bman nsmb.conf $B$K$O!"(B
     Keyword          Section        Comment
   $B!!(B                    A B C D
     addr               - + - -        IP address of SMB server
     charsets          - + + +        local:remote charset pair
     nbns              + + - -        address of NetBIOS name server (WINS)
     nbscope          + + - -        NetBIOS scope
     nbtimeout        + + - -        timeout for NetBIOS name servers
     password         - - + +        plain text or simple encrypted password
                  $B!!(B                     used to access the given share
     retry_count      + + - -        number of retries before connection is
                                         marked as broken
     timeout           + + - -        SMB request timeout
     workgroup        + + + +        workgroup name

$B$H=q$+$l$F$$$F!"(B/etc/nsmb.conf $B$K$O!"%3%a%s%H$H$7$F!"(B
# keyword/section       A  B  C  D      Comment
# addr                    -  +  -  -      IP address of SMB server
# charsets               +  +  +  +      local:remote charset pair
# nbns                   +  +  -  -      address of NetBIOS name server (WINS)
# nbscope               +  +  -  -      NetBIOS scope
# nbtimeout             +  +  -  -      timeout for NetBIOS name servers
# password              -  -  +  +      a plain text password used to access to the givenshare
# retry_count           +  +  -  -      number of retries before connection marked as broken
# timeout                +  +  -  -      SMB request timeout
# workgroup             +  +  +  +      name of workgroup
