ure no longer creates ue0 interface?

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <bzeeb-lists_at_lists.zabbadoz.net>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 17:59:01 UTC

on the honeycomb (arm64) my ure adapter no longer creates an ue0
interface at boot (at least when compiled into the kernel).

I tried to do a reset on the xhci controller and on the device itself
using usbconfig but nada.  The device was visible and powered on.

In the end I walked to the machine pulled the dongle out and put it back
in (possibly into another slot) which then helped.

It has since only once lost link which I could fix on the console again.

This is something I hadn't seen with the same dongle on the same machine.
I have to admit the previous kernel was half a year old (for other reasons
of tracking other arm64 bugs down) but had already included all the changes
I ended up putting into dwc3/xhci/.. in the last half year.

I am wondering if anything else (apart from the link-state mii problem)
is currently known before going to spend more time on this (even though
with dpni I don't need the dongle anymore).


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7