Re: Source upgrade to stable/11 amd64 broken

From: Eugene Grosbein <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 01:38:37 UTC
12.08.2021 1:56, Dimitry Andric wrote:

>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2021, 12:01 PM Paul Mather <> wrote:
>>> On Aug 11, 2021, at 1:44 PM, Dimitry Andric <> wrote:
>>>> On 11 Aug 2021, at 05:13, Eugene Grosbein <> wrote:
>>>>> I'm in process of upgrading very old remote FreeBSD server running
>>> 9.3-STABLE/amd64.
> ...
>>>> The best way forward is to attempt to buildworld (and buildkernel) with
>>>> a clean stable/11 checkout at r360783, which is just before clang 10.0.0
>>>> got imported. You will also need to add:
>>>> CXXFLAGS.clang=-Wno-out-of-line-declaration
>>>> to your src.conf, otherwise it will get an unexpected error during the
>>>> build.
>>>> After this has completed, install world and kernel and reboot, and then
>>>> you should have clang 9.0.0 and the corresponding libc++. This should
>>>> allow you to do a regular update to the latest stable/11.
>>>> From there you should upgrade to stable/12, as 11 is going EOL in about
>>>> a month... :)
>>> As the OP is currently at 10-STABLE, would it also not work to upgrade
>>> from there to 11.0-RELEASE (releng/11.0) and then from there to do the
>>> recommended upgrade path to whatever is the desired endpoint?  It might
>>> require more work, but it would be a known supported upgrade path.  Just
>>> wondering...
>> In theory, going from the tip of stable/10 to releng/11.0  should work as
>> lots of people did that back when 11.0 was new... from there you can follow
>> dim's instructions to get to the tip of stable/11 and from there to 12.2 or
>> stable/12. I have not tried that lately as I've retired even my old 10.x
>> testing jails some tie ago.
> There are multiple ways to do this, as usual. I have verified that on a
> default installation of 10.4-RELEASE, I can follow the scenario that I
> wrote up, and it successfully upgrades to stable/11 r360783, with clang
> 9.0.0.
> That can certainly be used to go to the tip of stable/11, but I think it
> is also possible to upgrade right to stable/12 from there.

Due do limited maintenance window time and obvious problems with freebsd-stable@ list that day,
I went ahead and fetched releng/11.2 sources and performed source upgrade from 10.4-STABLE
to 11.2-RELEASE-p15 and it went just fine, without any additional modifications.
Then I upgraded to latest stable/11 without a problem.

Maybe we need to add something to UPDATING for stable/11 branch?