I want to help maintain vscode build with electron25 and codelite

From: Scott Zhang <macromarship_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 02:28:02 UTC
     As vscode and codelite is my 2 mainly used ide, when I switch to
freebsd, I find they are not in repo. So I compile them myself.
     I have successfully build vscode against electron25 and get the
pkg ready, I setup my own repo on https://www.jgcxtech.com/freebsd/
     And I build codelite with latest code 17.7.0 with some code and
link fix. But have not make ports autobuild work yet.

     I have 20 years working experience at programing, started using
linux since 2003, quite familiar with everything about build,
compiling and coding.

    So I think I can help maintain these 2 packages.