Re: plist-check not reporting orphaned files present in a @comment

From: Felix Palmen <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 18:37:22 UTC
* Felix Palmen <> [20230816 20:26]:
> * Jan Beich <> [20230816 20:20]:
> > Looks intentional per
> > 
> > >    - Fix showing files installed through unselected OPTIONS as orphans,
> > >      by considering "@comment file" to be ignored. [2]
> > [...]
> > > [2] This is a partial solution, we may still need a plist.ignore too. It
> > >     doesn't make much sense to add files in main pkg-plist we don't care about,
> > >     but maybe it does since you'll see and reconsider them being ignored
> > >     someday. @comment is used as all the OPTION PLIST_SUB deactivations use
> > >     @comment instead of something like @ignore.
> [...]
> Yes, this is at best a partial solution. It's probably fine for options
> cause there's always the case that something *is* built/installed by the
> upstream build system and you still don't want to package it. It really
> breaks things for my current use case though.
> [...]

On a second thought, doesn't it acually break more than it solves?

Sure, you *could* think about some explicit '@ignore' alongside
'@comment' with different semantics, but, isn't it more or less a corner
case that you don't want to package some files (based on port options)
but can't prevent the upstream build system from putting them in

IMHO, the straight-forward solution would be: A port hit by that should
add some "post-install-<opt>" (or -off) recipe explicitly removing the
unwanted files from ${STAGEDIR}.

 Felix Palmen <>     {private}
 -- ports committer --                     {web}
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