Re: Time ordered list of package builds

From: Kevin Oberman <>
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2021 05:11:33 UTC
On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 8:05 PM Mark Millard <> wrote:

> Kevin Oberman <> wrote on
> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2021 15:49:47 -0700 :
> > When ports were in svn, the revision caused a listing of package builds
> to
> > be listed in order by default, but now git hashes are used and the order
> > seems effectively random.  There is no column for start time and the
> > elapsed time column is blank.
> >
> > Is there any simple way to look at the log of recent ports builds? Seeing
> > elapsed time would also be handy!
> (Note: I'm no fan of the choices in various places to use names that
> are based on just the hash-ids, making the names not sort in a
> generally useful order.)
> There are multiple places giving different information about builds
> and it is not clear to me just what you are referring to.
> Taking one guess initially of a sequence that might get to an
> example, something like:
> From there I click on the main-armv7-default link and it shows
> a list of builds with the problems described.
> But it turns out one can sometimes first look up what
> build name is of interest and so be able to pick out
> the desired build at this point . . .
> has a "Package Builds" section that
> has a "Started (UTC) column that is filled in and can be sorted on.
> The matching Search: field can be used with text like "main-" to
> pick out builds targeting main [so: 14 now]. Similarly: "130releng-"
> for picking out builds targeting 13.0 .
> So I find that main-armv7 had a Tue, 20 Apr 2021 03:57:20 GMT
> build start for 30978 queued ports and the port/system context for
> this was:
> pf43705587fa6_s14d0cd722
> on beefy12.
> Now, with that information do the prior sequence to get to the list
> of builds and then click on the link for pf43705587fa6_s14d0cd722 .
> That shows sections for Built ports, Failed ports, Skipped ports,
> Ignored ports, and Queued ports. The Built and Failed sections
> show elapsed times. There is also a Jobs section for in-progress
> ports.
> It appears that this sequence sometimes only works for builds that
> made it to "stopped:done:" instead of "stopped:crashed:". There are
> "stopped:crashed:" builds listed at:
> but did not show them. "Package Builds"
> does list a few "stopped:crashed:" builds for other Jails. It does
> not generally list builds that are still running in "parallel_build:"
> status.
> But the likes of (switching to a 130releng- example):
> will indicate "parallel_build:" and will update the Built, Failed,
> Skipped, Ignored, and Remaining figures periodically for builds that
> are on-going. Again one can click through and see the detailed
> status, including Elapsed times for specific ports.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> marklmi at
> ( went
> away in early 2018-Mar)
> Sorry. I now see that I was unclear, but you seem to have figured it out.
I believe that I am aware of all of the things you mention but I can't find
a way to track back beyond the current build, the only one marked as
"parallel_build", and the prior build which is tagged "Latest build" in the
header and highlighted in yellow. If I want to look at the second latest, I
have no idea how I can find it.

If I look at the list for  beey16 at, I get
a list of builds that include no clue as to ordering. No start time or any
way to look up a particular build unless I have recorded the hash while the
build was in progress.

Thanks for your reply, Mark.
Kevin Oberman, Part time kid herder and retired Network Engineer,
PGP Fingerprint: D03FB98AFA78E3B78C1694B318AB39EF1B055683