[Bug 273219] math/openblas: update to 0.3.24

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:47:39 UTC

--- Comment #37 from Thierry Thomas <thierry@FreeBSD.org> ---
Running `make test' with the current ports tree, i.e. with openblas-0.3.20,2,
shows the hereunder failure:

LinearAlgebra/structuredbroadcast                (4) |        started at
      From worker 7:    Error: no BLAS/LAPACK library loaded!
LinearAlgebra/symmetric                          (6) |   766.84 |  14.26 |  1.9
|   18986.41 |  1603.62
LinearAlgebra/blas                               (7) |         failed at
Test Failed at
  Expression: BLAS.get_num_threads() === 1
   Evaluated: 8 === 1

Test Failed at
  Expression: BLAS.axpy!(α, a, copy(b)) ≈ α * a + b
   Evaluated: ComplexF64[1.9330187934128453 - 8.970730564994865im,
-0.6963896877405945 + 0.8611170231579576im, -0.6963896877405945 +
0.8611170231579576im, -0.6963896877405945 + 0.8611170231579576im,
-0.6963896877405945 + 0.8611170231579576im, -0.6963896877405945 +
0.8611170231579576im, -0.6963896877405945 + 0.8611170231579576im,
-0.6963896877405945 + 0.8611170231579576im, -0.6963896877405945 +
0.8611170231579576im, -0.6963896877405945 + 0.8611170231579576im] ≈
ComplexF64[-0.4334488396252506 - 0.12206773565732487im, -0.4334488396252506 -
0.12206773565732487im, -0.4334488396252506 - 0.12206773565732487im,
-0.4334488396252506 - 0.12206773565732487im, -0.4334488396252506 -
0.12206773565732487im, -0.4334488396252506 - 0.12206773565732487im,
-0.4334488396252506 - 0.12206773565732487im, -0.4334488396252506 -
0.12206773565732487im, -0.4334488396252506 - 0.12206773565732487im,
-0.4334488396252506 - 0.12206773565732487im]

Test Failed at
  Expression: 23.0 === #=
=# @ccall(($dot_sym)(2::Int, [2.0, 3.0]::Ref{Cdouble}, 1::Int, [4.0,
5.0]::Ref{Cdouble}, 1::Int)::Cdouble)
   Evaluated: 23.0 === 5.0

That means that we already have a problem ATM with OpenBLAS and Julia. I have
not [yet?] found the cause of this error, but the part "From worker 7" suggests
something wrong with multi-threading…

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