Re: timeouts on USB ISP programmer

From: Tomek CEDRO <>
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2022 18:35:48 UTC
The problem is Diamex does not provide schematics for their interface.
That could make things easier to compare with other interfaces to
search for similar one. Are you sure it is FT2232H based? LibFTDI as
dependency to avrdude may also some from other interfaces :-)

But we both have VID:PID issue. I have original DevKit from
Michrochip/Atmel. Schematics is here:

Also when connecting to my devkit over serial port with Minicom
(9600-8-N-1) i get "nak" from the board. So the board and connection
to the board works fine.

This clearly indicates problem with avrdude. Probably it has hardcoded
VID:PID pairs. Maybe they are part of the configuration files.

Also I noticed that we have two ports devel/arduino-avrdude-6.3 and

Work in progress :-)
