Re: free space considerations writing bhyve image to a zvol

From: void <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 13:50:52 UTC
On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 03:42:37PM +0200, Ronald Klop wrote:
>You can test how much it will compress your linuxvm.img.
>$ [/tmp] ls -l ./bla.txt
>-rw-------  1 ronald  wheel  5242880 Oct 18 15:39 ./bla.txt
>$ [/tmp] lz4 -c ./bla.txt | wc -c
>  20604
>So do "lz4 -c linuxvm.img | wc -c" and it will print about the size of the zvol you need.

thanks for that. I'm concerned about wrecking the linux vm's
filesystem internally in this process though. I know it's easier to
expand than contract; what i don't know is the detail

>NB: What keeps you from just trying to write it to the zvol and see if it works?

downtime & space considerations on the system. And curious if people have
tried similar, and if they can recall the results. Searching hasn't
come up with a near-enough matching context.