Re: heads up - BEAM ports purge in PR263694

From: Mike Jakubik <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 17:11:34 UTC
As a new comer to Erlang, our software also depends on rebar to download its dependencies.

Thanks for he clean-up!

---- On Wed, 15 Jun 2022 13:06:40 -0400 Dave Cottlehuber <> wrote ----

On Wed, 15 Jun 2022, at 02:14, Dewayne wrote: 
>> If you have any ports you'd like to keep, please let me know here: 
> Dave, 
> I started this email asking how will a newbie to FreeBSD and Erlang 
> discover applications that are known to work on FreeBSD, and what the 
> "mix tools" were, that you'd mentioned. 
Thanks for the reply Dewayne! 
Bearing in mind that I'm an erlang user now for ~ 12 years, well before 
rebar* and elixir came along, is it even possible to reach for erlang 
these days and *not* run into rebar3? I’m in too deep to know. 
Would somebody who installs lang/rust need to be told what cargo is? 
Should the OS package manager tell rubyists  about gem & bundler? 
I've not run into anybody *not* using rebar & mix in more than 8 years. 
Don't get me wrong, it's totally legit, just rather uncommon :-) 
We could add something similar to lang/ruby: 
> I do use 
> erlang-epgsql       4.1.0 -> 4.6.0 
> erlang-gen_smtp     0.1.3 -> 1.2.0  *** 
> erlang-jobs         0.7.2 -> 0.10.0 
> erlang-lager_syslog 3.0.3 -> 3.1.1 
> erlang-cowboy       1.1.2 -> 2.9.0  *** 
NB the above versions are extracted from: 
Other than cowboy & gen_smtp, these are trivial version bumps from 
the user's perspective. You can expect significant changes when 
switching to cowboy 2.x though and ranch will change for gen_smtp 
as well as cowboy. 
Can you clarify a bit more how you use them? Off-list is fine. 
If this is a common use case we should accommodate it, but if it's 
special snowflake territory then I'd prefer I spend 30m helping 
you get started on rebar, or working together on updating these 
ports, than an ongoing maintenance burden in ports just for the 
sake of it. 
In general its no problem to keep these & maintain them - if somebody 
is using and willing to test them. I'd be more open to keeping them 
onboard if there were willing contributors. 
> Perhaps we could reference these two sites as part of an Erlang 
> installation message or in the long description to assist those new to 
> the ports system, and provide some guidance? 
that is a good idea, I will do it alongside these changes. 
O for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention! 

Mike Jakubik

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