Re: weird enlightenment behavior after upgrade to Freebsd 14

From: Peter <>
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 08:42:37 UTC
Hello Jason,

Unfortunately, there are some issues running the Enlightenment (version 
present in ports/packages) on FreeBSD 14.

All the issues were fixed in new versions of EFL and Enlightenment, 
actually I'm running the last versions on both 13.2 and 14.0 without any 

We'll try to update the ports this weekend. Waiting for the updates, you 
can build EFL and Enlightenment from sources, no FreeBSD-specific 
patches are needed.

The sources are available on site:

You have FreeBSD-specific meson configuration scripts in sources: 
conf/ (for both EFL and Enlightenment)

Once configured, you need just run 'ninja -C build' to build and 'sudo 
ninja -C build install' to install the software.

The detailed instructions can be found here:

Don't hesitate to ask here if you have any problems during build/install.

Best regards,


On 29/12/2023 04:18, Jason Selwitz wrote:
> Hello I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions, I'm 
> entirely open to it being something other than enlightenment..
> I upgraded my system to FreeBSD14  this afternoon and performed all 
> package upgrades as one should when upgrading between major versions, 
> and uppon going back into X and Enlightenment I have a couple of 
> programs that I had added to my startup  (Firefox and Thunderbird) 
> which started fine however I noticed when trying to start a terminal 
> emulator such as terminology, xterm or eterm, they start but then seem 
> like they are stuck in a crash loop where it is trying to start then 
> disappears then tries to start again over and over until I kill it , I 
> tried a few other applications with similar result smost seem to not 
> be able to place a stable window on the desktop, so I tried to remove 
> my E profile and ran through the Enlightenment set up again but after 
> answering all of the setup questions the screen seems to just go blank 
> and never lands me on a usable desktop, I was hoping someone might 
> have a suggestion to assist with this weird issue, I'm totally fine 
> with sending over any output or logs that might help with diagnosing 
> the problem or if you can point me to a possible log file I may have 
> overlooked maybe I'll get lucky and it's a quick fix? anyway thanks in 
> advance for any help.
> Jason