Re: USB-serial adapter suggestions needed

From: bob prohaska <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 20:12:15 UTC
On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 09:34:00PM -0800, Mark Millard wrote:
> "&" creates background processes that are still killed when
> their parent tty or controlling process goes away. nohup
> avoids that kill.

Not sure what's going on, but if I use 
make buildworld &
on one of my RPi* hosts and log out or otherwise drop
the connection, the job keeps going. Maybe use of tcsh?
> What was running on was its side of the
> ssh that in turn was attached to the shell that in turn
> was running tip --until those exited/were-killed on
> .
> But there is no information here about which of those was the
> one to start the failure on :
> A) Was it the tip process?
> B) Was it the shell process?
> C) Was it the side of the ssh?

I've put relevant excerpts from /var/log/messages from (the console host) and
(the terminal server) at
They've been trimmed to the tip failure timeframe.
There is a link to a copy of nemesis's sshd_debug.log file at
The file seems too big to search interactively via a
browser, but it might be possible to download it in
one pass and then grep locally. For some reason it
isn't timestamped in any way I recognize. 

> We only know that the end result was lack of anything
> reading the pipe on : by then
> the ssh side on had stopped being
> set up to read the pipe.
> Did you look at /var/logs/messages [or the analogous linux
> place(s)] on "pi4 RasPiOS workstation"?  What, if anything, did
> such have from around the failure time frame?
I tried, but the naming is very different from FreeBSD and I
didn't recognize any obvious candidates. I'll look more later.

Meanwhile, the non-ssh-mediated tip session from to's console gpio pins
remains up.

Thanks for reading, and apologies for the cumbersome log
file presentation. 

bob prohaska