[FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD Foundation Soliciting Project Proposals

From: Joseph Mingrone <jrm_at_FreeBSD.org>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2022 18:46:36 UTC
The FreeBSD Foundation is soliciting the submission of project proposals
for funded development.  Refer to the following documents for
information about submitting a proposal and for project ideas.

Proposal Overview

Submission Guidelines

FreeBSD Foundation Technology Roadmap

Contributed Project Ideas

Successful completion of many of the contributed ideas such as Raspberry
Pi hardware improvements, support for the exFat filesystem, and adding
Capsicum use in more applications would be beneficial for the Project
and have clear deliverables.  However, please do not feel limited to
these topics.  We welcome proposals with other ideas for improving the
base system, the ports tree, documentation, or other areas.  If you
think your proposal will benefit the Project, we will consider it.

Please send any questions about submitting a proposal to

Key Dates

Call for proposals:                  04 January 2022
Deadline for submissions:            15 February 2022
Notification of accepted proposals:  01 March 2022


Joseph (with Foundation hat on)