Is it feasible to run HAST with only ONE node long-term

Andy D'Arcy Jewell andydj at
Mon Mar 3 10:30:09 UTC 2014


Can I run a HAST MASTER without a SLAVE indefinitely without

We have a beta system I set up on FreeBSD 9-RELEASE with
HAST/uCARP for redundancy. For reasons beyond my control, I now need to
remove the standby to recover the rack space it uses, but we need to
continue to run the system for at least a while, without redundancy.
It's far from ideal, I know.

There is close to zero prospect of reviving the redundancy later on. 

Obviously for short periods of time, running without a slave is fine
(kind of "in the spec" really).

My main worry is that HAST performance might suffer as the delta grows
between the master and it's long-lost slave; does the master
consume extra resources (memory, disk) "saving up" the replication
stream objects, or does it just rely on a time/version stamp so when
(in normal operation) the slave gets back in contact with the master,
it knows to do a full sync?

I'd rather not have to remove the HAST layer, as this is obviously
invasive and time-consuming. 

-Andy D'Arcy Jewell
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