hast and zfs

Ronald Klop ronald-lists at klop.ws
Wed Jan 22 14:11:15 UTC 2014

On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 15:46:09 +0100, Joar Jegleim <joar.jegleim at gmail.com>  

> Hi list !
> I've setup hast with zfs on 9.1-RELEASE-p10
> I've got an lsi hba connected to an external sas hp msa that has 20
> disks in it, same setup on both nodes.
> I've created a hast disk dev such as /dev/hast/disk1a,
> /dev/hast/disk1b etc... ( see attached hast.conf )
> And built a zpool mirror accross the 20 disks.
> While setting up this, and testing, all looked pretty good, I've tried
> numerous failovers and so on.
> When I just switched over to this setup in production, it worked for
> about half an hour until the primary node got a zfs hang where zpool
> list hung and hastctl status hung completely .
> There was no output in dmesg nor /var/log/messages that said anything
> related to this (?) .
> The server serves some 3 000 000 jpegs for a site, I see anything from
> 50 to just above 1000 iops, though the average iops is bellow 100.
> It's completely random what pictures are being fetched at any time.
> Could there be some sysctls to tune related to this setup mabye ?
> Anybody using hast and zfs in production got any tip ?

You did not get any reply yet. I'm not of any help either, but is there a  
reason you don't use a newer FreeBSD version? (9.1 is from December 2012.)
It can be useful to read through the commits about hast which happened in  
the meantime.


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