hast and zfs

Joar Jegleim joar.jegleim at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 14:46:11 UTC 2014

Hi list !

I've setup hast with zfs on 9.1-RELEASE-p10
I've got an lsi hba connected to an external sas hp msa that has 20
disks in it, same setup on both nodes.
I've created a hast disk dev such as /dev/hast/disk1a,
/dev/hast/disk1b etc... ( see attached hast.conf )
And built a zpool mirror accross the 20 disks.

While setting up this, and testing, all looked pretty good, I've tried
numerous failovers and so on.
When I just switched over to this setup in production, it worked for
about half an hour until the primary node got a zfs hang where zpool
list hung and hastctl status hung completely .

There was no output in dmesg nor /var/log/messages that said anything
related to this (?) .

The server serves some 3 000 000 jpegs for a site, I see anything from
50 to just above 1000 iops, though the average iops is bellow 100.
It's completely random what pictures are being fetched at any time.

Could there be some sysctls to tune related to this setup mabye ?
Anybody using hast and zfs in production got any tip ?

Joar Jegleim
Homepage: http://cosmicb.no
Linkedin: http://no.linkedin.com/in/joarjegleim
fb: http://www.facebook.com/joar.jegleim
AKA: CosmicB @Freenode

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