zfs raid1 error resilvering and mount

Fleuriot Damien ml at my.gd
Mon Feb 18 09:20:37 UTC 2013

Reassure me here, you've replaced your failed vdev before trying to resilver right ?

Your zpool status suggests otherwise, so I only want to make sure this is a status from before replacing your drive.

On Feb 18, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Konstantin Kuklin <konstantin.kuklin at gmail.com> wrote:

> i can`t do it, because resilvering in progress(freeze on 0.1%) and zfs
> list empty
> 2013/2/17 Fleuriot Damien <ml at my.gd>:
>> Hmmm, zfs destroy -f zroot/var/crash ?
>> Then you can try to zfs mount -a
>> Removing pjd and mm from cc, if they want to read your message they're old enough to check their ML subscription.
>> On Feb 17, 2013, at 3:46 PM, Konstantin Kuklin <konstantin.kuklin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi, i have raid1 on zfs with 2 device on pool
>>> first device died and boot from second not working...
>>> i try to get http://mfsbsd.vx.sk/ flash and load from it with zpool import
>>> http://puu.sh/2402E
>>> when  i load zfs.ko and opensolaris.ko i see this message:
>>> Solaris: WARNING: Can't open objset for zroot/var/crash
>>> Solaris: WARNING: Can't open objset for zroot/var/crash
>>> zpool status:
>>> http://puu.sh/2405f
>>> resilvering freeze with:
>>> zpool status -v
>>>       .............
>>>       zroot/usr:<0x28ff>
>>>       zroot/usr:<0x29ff>
>>>       zroot/usr:<0x2aff>
>>>       zroot/var/crash:<0x0>
>>> root at Flash:/root #
>>> how i can delete or drop it fs zroot/var/crash (1m-10m size i didn`t
>>> remember) and mount other zfs points with my data
>>> --
>>> С уважением
>>> Куклин Константин.
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> --
> С уважением
> Куклин Константин.

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