Re: Xen-4.16.0 + FreeBSD-13.1 dom0 fails on large ADM64 system

From: Roger Pau Monné <>
Date: Fri, 03 May 2024 07:25:19 UTC
On Thu, May 02, 2024 at 11:38:45PM -0700, Brian Buhrow wrote:
> 	Hello Roger.  In looking into this issue further, it appears that the way python stores
> info details for site packages has changed between pythonh3.8 and python3.9.  In python3.8,
> info details appear to be stored in files, while in python3.9, theyre stored as files in
> directories with the same name.

That's not what I'm seeing on my system at least, I have Python 3.9
and info is in files, ie:

# ls -lah /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xen-3.0-py3.9.egg-info
-rw-r--r--  1 root wheel  171B Apr 30 10:07 /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xen-3.0-py3.9.egg-info

Do you have some kind of non-standard Python configuration?

> The issue seems to be that the pkg system on FreeBSD-13.1
> doesn't know about this change and thus it cannot build or install the xen-tools package, which
> builds site packages for the currently installed version of python.  I think the easiest way to
> work around this issue is to use python3.8, instead of python3.9 for the xen-tools package.

If that's indeed the issue, at some point you will have to update to
Python 3.9 anyway.

> Do
> you know which variable I need to set in /etc/make.conf to set the default version of python
> for the ports build and pkg admin system?  Is there a man page or document I should be reading
> to learn the names of the variables I can use in /etc/make.conf to customize the behavior of
> the ports system?

Not sure, TBH I would expect it to "just work".  pkg builders seem
fine building the package with Python 3.9, so I wonder what's special
in your setup as to cause the build to fail.

I recommend you raise this on the freebsd-ports mailing list [0] and
Cc myself.  I'm sure there's something I'm missing on the xen-tools
plist file, but I have no idea what it is, and without being able to
reproduce the issue myself I have no way to debug.

Thanks, Roger.
