Level of activity

Robert Watson rwatson at FreeBSD.org
Wed Apr 27 16:11:27 GMT 2005

On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Andreas Davour wrote:

> I saw the webpage for the TrustedBSD project, and since the man pages 
> for FreeBSD suggest that some components of the trusted projects are 
> still not finished I thought I'd check this list for updated 
> information.
> Is the project still active, or how come the webpage are so outdated and 
> the list so low on traffic?

The mailing lists see occasional high volume for a period of a week, often 
>10 messages a day, and are then silent for a month or two.  If you track 
trustedbsd-cvs, you'll see a fair amount of activity there.  We need to do 
a better job of getting the traffic on the mailing lists as opposed to 
private e-mail, IRC, etc.

Right now, we're preparing to release the first drop of OpenBSM, an open 
source implementation of Sun's BSM API and file format, based on the Apple 
Darwin implementation.  This includes cleanups, API documentation, 
additional APIs, etc.  Shortly there-after, we'll start merging the work 
from the trustedbsd_audit3 branch to the main FreeBSD tree for FreeBSD 6.x 
in order to try to get experimental audit support into 6.0.  We're 
waiting, among other things, to hear back from Apple on getting the 
license changed on a couple of files from APSL to BSD, or might have to 
reimplement those if it doesn't happen at some point.  (They released all 
their BSM code as BSD licensed, but the include files and C files from the 
kernel are under APSL because XNU was released under APSL).  There will be 
presentations at BSDCan on two TrustedBSD-related topics:

- Description of the Apple Darwin and FreeBSD audit implementations,
   OpenBSM, etc.  Probably presented by me.

- A talk on SEBSD and details on getting the FLASK/TE pieces up and
   running.  Probably presented by Scott Long.

Sometime prior to BSDCan, I also hope to merge the last of the 
dependencies for the SEBSD module to load into a base system kernel -- 
specifically, file descriptor labeling, and POSIX Shared Memory labeling. 
There are some other minor pieces, such as capability masks, and I'm not 
sure what tack we'll take on merging them.  We will not yet merge the user 
space pieces.

Robert N M Watson
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