svn commit: r501243 - head/net/freeswitch

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Sun May 12 06:48:24 UTC 2019

On 11/05/2019 8:43 pm, Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> On Saturday, 11 May 2019 11:55:40 CEST Tobias Kortkamp wrote:
>>    net/freeswitch: Fix build and disable -Werror to stop collecting -Wno-*
>> flags
> Why not patch it to do the right thing? With patches you might even be able to
> move things upstream, .. or chase the latest release, since upstream seems to
> be doing monthlies now (there is a 1.8.5, which still contains the same
> problem).
> The underlying error is that the code is doing, basically,
> 	strlen("derp"+1)
> where it's adding one to a string constant; clang helpfully (? if you're used
> to javascript perhaps) tells you this isn't going to get you "derp1" as a
> string, but rather "erp" .. which is exactly what this code wants, but it
> could be done in a less-derpy and less error-prone way (e.g. &"derp"[1]).
> I guess I'm saying I'm not a fan of turning off warnings and errors unless
> it's really hopeless upstream.
> [ade]

This change only turns off turning warnings into fatal errors, doesn't 
prevent them from being displayed, and in fact, makes warnings that were 
previously *not* reported due to -Wno-* arguments, become visible again.

As a group we have been removing -Werror from builds for a long time.

It would be cool if this was able to be reported (as an error, not a 
warning) to the maintainer/committer during testing, a perhaps

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