svn commit: r402813 - head/misc/astrolog

Andrey Chernov ache at
Fri Dec 4 12:40:19 UTC 2015

On 02.12.2015 13:29, John Marino wrote:
> On 12/2/2015 11:22 AM, Andrey Chernov wrote:
>> On 02.12.2015 13:03, John Marino wrote:
>> Well, I am not native English speaker, but even I know difference
>> between "can" I use in the commit message and "must" I don't use. In any
>> case it is such privilege to meet someone who better knows what I mean,
>> despite all my explanations.
>> Good luck, excellent mind reader.
> For native English speakers, these are weasel words.  We know what you
> really meant and it doesn't take a mind reader.  Your skill of English
> far exceeds being able to blame this on a language barrier.
> Summary:
> You make it clear that you think the previous commit should have made
> the extra step to fix the port.  I made it clear that I think you
> shouldn't have have expectations like that and *DEFINITELY* should not
> have documented those thoughts on a commit message that lasts forever.
> If that last line wasn't on the commit message, none of this conversion
> ever would have happened, and if the unpleasantness means that it won't
> happen again, it was worth it.

Dear John,
"we" all know that using word "we" in such context ("We know what you
really meant") is "whole collective force vs. just single person"
undisguised manipulation. ("it doesn't take a mind reader") Admitting
ability of mind reading even without using specific mind read skills
confirms your haughtily attitude even more.
("and if the unpleasantness") All unpleasant in this conversation is not
your position about the ports, it can rightfully exist among other
positions, with agreement or disagreement from others, it is normal, but
only your superego-style to handle communications (f.e. by accusing me
of dirty tricks of changing my words meaning), this is not productive
and not acceptable.
I may disagree with your position, but I admit it is consistent and have
its place. But I can't accept anybody attempting to speak with me in
such tone with insulting assumptions on any subject and need a little
bit of respect to feel pleasant.
So I prefer to stay away of speaking with you for a while not on this
subject only, but on all other subjects too until this situation will be
changed, I hope.
Sincerely yours,


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