Issue with ctrl-c in kgdb

Reji Thomas rejithomas.d at
Fri Apr 1 02:57:18 UTC 2011

Hope this is the right mailing list.
I am facing an issue with ctrl-c behaviour in kgdb. ctrl-c doesnt break kgdb
back into the kgdb prompt. I have set "set remote break 1" and enabled the
debugs ( pasted below). Looks like remote_stop is called but after that
nothing happens on the client side ( does server side return an ack?). Can
someone please help me on how to get this working?
Version :GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]

(kgdb) set remotebreak 1
(kgdb) c
Sending packet: $m30c310d4,1#bc...Ack
Packet received: be
Sending packet: $M30c310d4,1:cc#9c...Ack
Packet received: OK
Sending packet: $c#63...Ack
^Cremote_interrupt called
remote_stop called

^CInterrupted while waiting for the program.
Give up (and stop debugging it)? (y or n) y
(kgdb) quit


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