9.1RC2 bsdinstall partitioning ambiguous

CeDeROM cederom at tlen.pl
Thu Oct 11 17:32:19 UTC 2012

Hello :-)

I have taken a look at bsdinstall in the 9.1RC2, and I noted some
issues with the partitioning dialogs:

1. It is possible to create a partition with selected type size and
mountpoint but for freebsd the mountpoint should not be specified, if
so the field should be grayed out or invisible.

2. Parition type field is amboguous, it would be nice to have some
kind of drop down list, or at least list of choices to type in. What
types are supported? What types are not supported?? I have tried
linux/etxt2 but none of that works. What is the goal of this
partitioning utility? Does it only create partitions? From what I
notices it can only delete existing partitions and create freebsd
partitions... Does it also format created partitions? Please give more
work to this tool because this is the first contact with the system
and lots of people can say "its even worse than linux 15 years ago, i
will not use freebsd". For clean machine install this might be okay
but to install on desktop this way its a nightmare even worse than old
sysinstall way, sorry to say that :\

3. How to create swap partition/slice - "swap" type gives "invalid
argument" error.

4. Please distinguish Partition and Slice.

Best regards :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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