Will we get a RELEASE-9.1 for Christmas?

Bas Smeelen b.smeelen at ose.nl
Thu Dec 20 23:55:57 UTC 2012

On 12/21/12 00:40, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 13/12/2012 08:29, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> (On 'pkg check -Ba' producing 'shared library not found' errors for some
> packages)
>> Unfortunately it seems to be a fairly common effect in some large
>> projects. Other packages showing the same symptoms:
>>     thunderbird (yeah -- that one was predictable...)
>>     openjdk6
>>     virtualbox-ose
>> ... and that's just out of what's installed on my desktop: by no means
>> comprehensive.  As far as I can tell from a quick check, openjdk6
>> doesn't rely on setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the environment.
>> I've raised issue #403 in pkgng Github.
> I've just finished committing fixes for this problem to the master and
> release-1.0 branches in Github.  If anyone is feeling enthusiastic and
> would like to try pulling those sources and confirming that their
> favourite packages no longer generate scads of nasty errors when
> re-analysing shlib dependencies, I'd be grateful.
> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew
> PS.  If you're running pkg-1.0.3, I recommend you pull down the
> release-1.0 branch for these tests.  While you could upgrade to 1.1.a1
> from master, that involves various local.sqlite DB schema changes which
> will be tedious to unwind should you want to revert to the released
> version.

I would like to.
But just getting used to svn and other new things since simple csup and 
How do I pull it?
I have pkg-1.0.3_1 on a machine building packages for my laptop right now.

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