8.x grudges

jhell jhell at dataix.net
Thu Jul 8 12:46:44 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 07/08/2010 06:54, for whatever Marian Hettwer wrote:

	With any major upgrade or release process comes a commitment from the
developers and end-users alike that involves a review, testing & release.

	The release part on the end-users behalf is simply a commitment to
follow through & make needed changes to what has been reviewed and
tested & continue with the current use accepting the changes.

	Taking a guess here, but you are probably a manager in a company that
is asking you to cut back your test environment because it is hard for
you to maintain with a under staffed under knowledged IT department
resulting in a non-efficient budget that could end up in more staff
being cut.

	Personally even if the above is not true I would fire you and keep a
few more testbeds, just for wasting a free projects developers time by
posting non nonsensical radical & somewhat fascist views on this list.

	Everyone has a bad day once in a while but using a troll type manor
while ranting and raving obnoxiously instead of getting involved
appropriately is unacceptable and will not solve your problem.

- -- 

"I say things as they are. Slackers are called slackers, people who
can't read manual pages are called losers, and in general, calling
things what they are results in developers wasting less time."
							-- Theo

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