Burning DVD with files>4GB from console

Bartosz Stec admin at kkip.pl
Fri Dec 5 01:23:37 PST 2008

Bob Johnson pisze:
> On 12/4/08, Bartosz Stec <admin at kkip.pl> wrote:
>> Philipp Ost pisze:
>>> Hi,
>>> Bartosz Stec wrote:
>>>> [...] Is there *any* way to burn DVDs with files>4GB from FreeBSD
>>>> console?
>>> I succesfully used growisofs for exactly this task ;-)
>>> What I did is (for DL-DVDs):
>>> # growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0=$file.iso -speed=2
>>> I had to limit the speed, else it wouldn't do anything. If I burn
>>> "normal" DVDs I don't need the speed limit.
>>> HTH,
>>> Philipp
>> But doesn't that command expecting file.iso being already premastered
>> ISO image? OK, that's *some* way, but to be clear - I want to avoid
>> preparing ISO images too ;)
> Some thoughts that might be useful:
> 1) I expect the problem is with mkisofs version 2.01 that is used in
> FreeBSD (at least in 7.0), but I haven't attempted to confirm this.
> Growisofs is supposed to handle large files, and so are recent
> versions of mkisofs. The author of mkisofs considers 2.01 to be
> obsolete. Perhaps installing a newer mkisofs is the solution (e.g.
> sysutils/cdrtools-devel appears to be fairly recent)?
> 2) Perhaps you could do what I do and write tar files directly to DVD
> with no filesystem. I use burncd to write the file to the DVD, but I
> don't remember if I've tried to exceed 4 GiB per file. You might need
> growisofs in premastered image mode instead of burncd. To read the
> file later use something like 'tar -xf /dev/cd0'.  Might have a
> problem with this in Windows, but maybe that's not really a problem?
> 3) You could modify your script to use mkisofs to create the ISO image
> as part of the process of splitting your files into (smaller) chunks.
> Then use growisofs in premastered image mode, as already suggested. If
> you want to do this, look at the -stream-media-size option in mkisofs.
> 4) The 4 GiB limit on file size is built into the ISO 9660 filesystem
> prior to Level 3. Level 3 allows larger files by allowing files to
> have multiple extents (each extent must still be < 4 GiB). You may
> need to explicitly specify ISO Level 3 to get the correct behavior
> (i.e. use the '-iso-level 3' option with growisofs or mkisofs).
> -- Bob Johnson
>    fbsdlists at gmail.com
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Thanks a lot!
Upgrading to sysutils/cdrtools-devel solves my problem! :)

Bartosz Stec

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