HEADS UP: inpcb/inpcbinfo rwlocking: coming to a 7-STABLE branch near you

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.net
Wed Aug 13 22:29:55 UTC 2008

At 06:22 PM 8/13/2008, Robert Watson wrote:

>>Any suggestions on what kernel to go back to start from ?
>I'm concerned by the presence of multiple ARP entries for a single 
>IP -- I'll need to reread the ARP code to refresh my memory, but in 
>general I would expect to see at most one in-progress or complete 
>ARP entry for any particular IP address at a time.  To me, this 
>suggests a bug -- perhaps a race condition or just a general logic 
>bug.  If rolling back fixes it, that is definitely interesting, but 
>we can also debug this in the normal ways and see where it leads us.

I am just doing a full buildworld/buildkernel after doing an rm -R 
/usr/obj to make sure a stable from today is indeed the issue, and 
then I will jump back a month or so ?    What can I do to track down 
the issue ?  The incomplete addresses correspond to hosts where most 
traffic is directed.


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