ATA problems again ...

Mike Tancsa mike at
Mon Jul 17 14:51:47 UTC 2006

At 05:59 AM 17/07/2006, Johan Ström wrote:

>On 17 jul 2006, at 00.53, Mike Tancsa wrote:
>>At 03:02 PM 14/07/2006, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>>>After reboot (command reboot), system boot up with both disks
>>>attached and start autosynchronization. I do not know, if this is
>>>hw or sw error, I got
>>Install the smartmontools from
>>and post the output of
>>smartctl -a /dev/ad8
>I tried this on my SATA disk ad6:
>Model Family:     Maxtor MaXLine III family
>Device Model:     Maxtor 7L300S0
>Serial Number:    L60CJKPH
>Firmware Version: BANC1G10
>User Capacity:    300,090,728,448 bytes
>Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
>ATA Version is:   7
>ATA Standard is:  ATA/ATAPI-7 T13 1532D revision 0
>Local Time is:    Mon Jul 17 11:54:35 2006 CEST
>SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
>SMART support is: Enabled
>SMART Error Log Version: 1
>No Errors Logged
>Any other output from smartctl that can help? Both my ad4 and ad6 are
>the same.

This at least rules out the disks being bad for 
the most part.  It still could be bad cables, but 
if you changed those out than its 
doubtful.  Perhaps try updating to RELENG_6 ? If 
its a gmirror issue, I think there have been a number of fixes.


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