freebsd-stable Digest, Vol 97, Issue 1 (re: perl changes)

Erik Hollensbe erik at
Mon Jan 31 07:13:04 PST 2005

I apologize for the lack of quotes, but since this has dominated the 
list, I imagine my message will have appropriate context without.

I started using perl in v5, and only with rare exception have any of 
the scripts I've used or written required /usr/local/bin/perl. 
/usr/bin/perl seems to be the current "standard", regardless of any 
rules to the contrary. Same goes for a lack of env usage.

While it's nice to be idealistic, lets be realistic - FreeBSD's change 
isn't going to carpet the world overnight, and a simple symlink (which 
could be defaulted on or off, I would think on would be more 
reasonable) will solve this problem in a rather cooperative fashion. 
Those who want purity can turn it off, and the rest of us who really 
would rather not have purist choice dominate our updates can use the 
"standard". (That wasn't said to insult, to counter any assumptions.)


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