openoffice port build on FreeBSD 4.9

Seva Fwd seva_fwd at
Tue Oct 7 11:37:57 PDT 2003

--- Stephen Albright <salbrig at> wrote:
> I have already installed Mozilla, so I will need to
> portupgrade then correct?  Also, I CVSup source and
> ports every morning (is this a bad idea?) I thought
> this would update jdk-1.3.1p8_2 to p9 is that not
> correct thinking?

I am not sure you really need to upgrade mozilla.
"Old version" not always mean "problem".
However, it is _often_ problem when build of a port
fails due to it depends on an already installed port
that is _too_ old.
If you decide to upgrade installed application -
portupgrade utility is very helpful.

> I tried this by downloading openoffice-1.1RC4.tgz,
> unzipped it, and then did a pkg_add, and had
> problems
> (I cannot remember the exactly the errors, I will
> see if I can reproduce them and add that info
Probably some installed applications needed by OO are
absent or have a wrong version.
You could install or upgrade necessary port(s), or
force install as is if you are sure everything is ok.

BR, Seva

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