upgrading 4.0 to stable

Cameron Murdoch cameron at macaroon.net
Thu Oct 2 15:10:21 PDT 2003

F. Even wrote:

>I'm still kind of hung up looking for some definitive answers on this issue.
>Perhaps you guys can help me out?
>>I personally would recommend 4.0 to 4.3, then 4.3 to 4.6.2,
>>then 4.6.2 to 4.8. Check the handbook for the appropriate CVS tags.

Following the above advice I would use the following cvsup file:

*default host=*Insert CVSup mirror here*
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_3
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

This will fetch the source for 4.3-RELEASE + security fixes, (for the 
release I think the tag is RELENG_4_3_0).

Do the normal make buildworld & kernel dance as documented in UPDATING 
and the handbook.  Then repeat the whole process with RELENG_4_6 as the 
tag and then again with RELENG_4_8 (and RELENG_4_9 if you want 4.9 
release).  This will take some time especially if your machine is slow 
at building.  It might be worth verifying each step works by running 
with it for a day or two before going onto the next step.  Also be sure 
to have good backups.  Having said that I do builds all the time and 
have never had a significant problem.


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