What's our standard "stripped-down FreeBSD" tool?

Olivier Gautherot ogautherot at vtr.net
Wed Jul 25 04:52:04 UTC 2007

Hi Michael!

On Tuesday 24 July 2007 22:21, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
> Hi,
> Been researching building stripped-down versions of FreBSD for flash
> drives and suchforth.  It seems that we have three big contenders in
> this area:
> Freesbie
> NanoBSD
> TinyBSD

I've had a good experience with FreesBIE so I would recommend it but I'm sure 
others will defend NanoBSD and TinyBSD ;-) FreesBIE may be more CDROM 
oriented so Nano and Tiny are probably better guesses for Flash but I don't 
have first hand experience.


> Are any of these particularly stronger than the other?  If I was to
> start over, or recommend one to someone else, which would be the best
> these days?
> Thanks,
> ==ml

Olivier Gautherot
Email:    olivier at gautherot.net
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ogautherot
MSN:      ogautherot at hotmail.com

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