isp(4) - setting debug mode flags

Ross westr at
Fri Aug 15 18:53:41 UTC 2008

SL> First thing to check is whether what you're setting is actually making
SL> it into the kernel environment and is what you expect it to be.  Run
SL> 'kenv' on a running system and look for the hint.isp.0.debug string.
SL> Second, it looks like ISP_LOGDEBUG1 is the only flag that has any
SL> special meaning, make sure you set that as well as ISP_LOGWARN and
SL> ISP_LOGERR (the default flags).

Yes, it's getting there (kenv is correctly displaying it).

I'm currently attempting to use OxFFF as the value so that everything
gets activated, but still nothing.  <sigh>

Of course, knowing my luck, it's probably being activated, just
nothing is being displayed. :-)



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