Adaptec 2410SA & aac question

Scott Long scottl at
Thu Oct 21 09:42:02 PDT 2004

Herve Boulouis wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a 4.9 system with a new 2410SA card (latest firmware) with the
> adaptec SATA disk enclosure. I've noticed that when I unplug a SATA disk
> which is part of a RAID1 volume, the driver does not print the message
> on the console saying that a disk has failed, like it does with other
> aac based scsi raid controllers.
> Using aaccli shows that the card has correctly detected the failure, and the
> rebuild starts as normal when I plug the disk back (still no message on console
> about the rebuild, though).
> I have tried with the latest aac driver from 4-STABLE with same result.
> Is this expected behaviour from the 2410SA or am I missing something ?
> Regards,

The aac firmware has recently moved to a system where status changes are
no longer delivered to the driver in 'plain text' format.  Instead, 
encoded messages are sent to the driver for relay to apps like aaccli.
The driver only knows how to decode a very small subset of these 
messages, and it doesn't know anything about the kind of messages that
you would be getting in this case.  So it has nothing to print out.

Adaptec does provide a daemon that can recieve the messages and convert
them into multi-ligual text for delivery to the syslog.  It is under the
GPL, and I have not ported it yet.  It also requires several
modifications to the aac driver that I have not finished testing yet.


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