(mutt +) msmtp problem?

Ramiro Caso ramirocaso08 at gmail.com
Wed May 16 15:21:33 UTC 2012

On 16/05/2012 11:04, James Edwards wrote:
>> I use mutt (1.5.21) with msmtp (1.4.28) as MDA. Usually, everything goes
>> smoothly, but every once in a while I lose network connectivity when
>> sending email (I don't recall whether there is a correlation between
>> this problem and my trying to send not-so-big but yet around 1mb files).
>> Basically, what happens in trying to send an email is:
>> May 16 10:01:17 **** wpa_supplicant[662]: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED
>> bssid=**:**:**:**:**:** reason=0
>> .......
>> May 16 10:02:27 **** wpa_supplicant[662]: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED -
>> Connection to **:**:**:**:**:** completed (reauth) [id=0 id_str=]
>> .......
>> Then I try again, and the same thing happens. All msmtp's log shows is:
>> errormsg='cannot write to TLS connection: Pipe Broken' exitcode=EX_IOERR
>> Any ideas?
>> Best,
>> Ramiro
> Based on above, mutt and msmpt *appear* to be fine, but this seems to be a
> problem with the wireless driver, card, or router - you are being
> disconnected from the network, which in turn is causing the 'broken pipe'.
Indeed, mutt + msmtp appear to be fine... My bad for not being 
clearer... However, there is a correlation that goes beyond credible 
coincidence: the disconnection happens when (and, as far as I can 
recall, only when) I use mutt + msmtp to send sizeable files. In 
particular, no disconnection occurs when I'm not using mutt + msmtp, or 
when I use mutt + msmtp but I send emails without sizeable attachments. 
Also, the disconnection happens within seconds of attempting to send the 
sizeable emails.

I guess it is a problem with the wireless card, but it seems to be 
somehow closely linked to the event of trying to send sizeable emails 
using mutt + msmtp (when I use thunderbird to send the files, everything 
works as expected, no disconnection).
> You could feasibly work around it by using a wired connection, or take a
> look at what is going on with your wireless.
My work around, for now, is to use thunderbird for sending large emails, 
so there's no hurry. But I'm a bit puzzled about what's happening.

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