Smartcam (or can you use linux dev driver + program)

Lyubomir Grigorov lyubomir at
Sun Jan 15 09:49:14 UTC 2012

Smartcam is an app that let's you use a phone's camera as webcam. You connect 
you your phone via bluetooth and the program gives you access to the devices 
cam. It works on most smartphone OS's even Symbian.

There is a Linux version and it creates a module for the device and also 
builds the program:


Is it even possible to use the Linux dev driver under FreeBSD? Since Smartcam 
is a 2-part suite: driver and application.

If it's not possible to use linuxator, will it be possible to use the source 
to create a FreeBSD version of the dev driver? I assume the program will be 
easier to port than the actual driver.


Lyubomir Grigorov (bgalakazam)
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